Mary Gershman
Youth Minister
508.867.6469, parish office
Lynne Losurdo
Religious Education Facilitator
508.867.6469, ext. 125
Ethel Howard, Eva Brown
Piano and organ
If you would like to assist with music at our weekend Masses, please call the office at 508.867.6469
We invite you to join the ministry in proclaiming the Word of God for weekend Masses. Please call the office at 508.867.6469
We invite you to join the ministry of sharing the Body and Blood of Christ for weekend Masses. Please call the office at 508.867.6469.
We invite you to join the ministry of serving at the altar. If you are 9 years of age or older, you are eligible to join this ministry. Please call the office at 508.867.6469
Food assistance is offered from St. John's Parish through a shared ministry with St. Joseph's Church, 296 Main Street, North Brookfield. To call for assistance, please call St. Joseph's office at 508.867.6469.
St. Joseph Hours:
First Thursday of the month, 6:00-7:15pm
Third Thursday of the month: 12:00 noon - 1:15pm
St. Mary (Brookfield Ecumenical Food Pantry ) Hours:
Wednesday & Saturday 9:30 - 11 am at St. Mary Oratory
Please call the parish office at 508.867.6469 to arrange for a priest to visit.
Our parish follows the guidelines of the national Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People approved by the US Bishops and the policies of the Diocese of Worcester in screening those who work with children in our care and in helping victims of abuse find healing. If you or someone you know has been sexually abused by a Church employee or volunteer in the past, you can contact the Victim Services Coordinator for our diocese at 508-929-4363 (direct line & confidential voicemail.) If you are concerned about a current case of abuse, please contact the local civil authorities immediately.
Locally, you can also contact Kathy Mondor, our safe environment coordinator through the parish offfice at 508.867.6469 and leave a message.